Train as a ACCPH accredited trauma informed somatic counsellor/therapist online. It is possible to take our incredibly comprehensive 12 month online trauma informed somatic counselling training via two different training tracks - an online self study route and an online exclusive route with a very small group of fellow peers, under Aimee Rai's personal tutelage and mentorship. Everything you need to know about Aimee, how certification works, our modules, syllabus, training tracks and rates, is covered on this page.
Although there are a number of practitioner trainings coming to market offering similar bones - the basics of nervous system regulation and trauma processing - here at ISOHH© our training was and is the first and only of its kind to accompany these powerful and vital teachings and techniques, with the core trauma informed, foundational, relational, and somatically oriented counselling/therapeutic skills that create the real flesh and nuance of safe skilled therapeutic work.
As a Level 3 or 4 equivalent counselling course (depending on study route), our training could be viewed as an holistic, trauma informed and somatically oriented alternative to more traditional/clinical online counselling level 3 or 4 courses, with a much more practical orientation and emphasis, or a way to build a more trauma informed and somatic skillset in to an existing practice within the general counselling, coaching, or therapeutic professions.
This training is externally accredited by the ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). Upon certification and successful completion of your training you will be eligible to register with the ACCPH. Please read down to learn more about our syllabus, upcoming intake dates, and costs.

Who is this training for?
This training is for anyone who has interest in working within the counselling or therapeutic fields, doesn't feel drawn to pursue more clinical or traditional training routes, and would like to work in a manner that is truly embodied and trauma informed - this training offers a heavy focus on somatics throughout. This training is for anyone who wants to work in a manner that is authentically holistic - incorporating and honouring the somatic, psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of those they work with. This is a no fluff high calibre training - we teach you the stuff that really matters in practice - from foundational and relational non-clinical counselling skills and client stabilisation, all the way through to an introduction to advanced trauma processing practices - offering you a depth of experience that will transform you both personally and professionally.
This training is for anyone seeking change and looking to discover more depth, meaning and purpose within their work. This training is for counsellors, therapists and coaches who feel that the paradigm they trained in is not serving them as fully as they might have hoped and who are ready to rejuvenate and evolve their work by weaving an entirely new approach and skill set in to their practice. This training is for coaches, therapists and other wellness professionals who would like to learn how to work in, with, and through the body, far beyond the basics. This training is for body workers, health practitioners, or yoga & meditation teachers who would like to learn how to work therapeutically with their clients in a psychological context. This training is for those of you who have had no training in any of these respective fields, and are ready to learn from the ground up.
The world of mental health treatment is rapidly evolving and ISOHH are at the forefront of that revolution. Through this training we are growing an army of skilled trauma informed somatic counsellors and holistic practitioners who have the confidence and capacity to lead the way and shine a light in troubled times.

Integrative Therapist & Movement/Meditation Teacher, Specialising in Trauma and Somatics
"I have been working in the wellness industry and field of mental health for 15 years, but I am not your average therapeutic professional. I am not a clinician (by choice) and I haven't taken a conventional training route. At times, in the earlier days of my work I felt in some way "less than" because of this, but that changed over time. The more people that came to me disappointed and disillusioned with the clinical care that they had received, the more I came to realise that the absence of clinical training was often an asset; it allowed me to form a truly integrative and intuitive approach to the work, unencumbered by outdated ways of pathologising. I have come to understand that skilled holistic practitioners such as myself are vital, that we are serving a necessary evolution and revolution in the field of mental health and healing."

"What I observed was that this seemed to be the impact of combining some simple but potent ingredients. This training is structured around those ingredients and the path that revealed itself through the spaces others trusted me to hold. "
"I entered into this work through my own path. My deep suffering drove me to seek change and it demanded me to be creative, courageous and curious - because the answers didn’t appear to be offered up tidily on one convenient plate. Anxiety, depression, addictions, eating disorders, crushing co-dependency and cripplingly low self esteem were all born of trauma I didn't know I had suffered. As deep shift began to occur in me, others asked for my support, and so I offered it. I sat with them. I seemed to have some innate capacity to hold others, but I needed to move beyond the bounds of my limited experience and natural abilities - abilities many of us have that need nurturing and shaping.
I studied the art of movement and meditation, at first via the teachings of Kundalini Yoga. The practice taught me the power of working with, from and through the body, and I went on to work with the body through many different forms of movement healing. I now centre my movement teaching around psychological somatics and the Tibetan movement art of Kum Nye - fascinatingly similar to Peter Levine's somatic experiencing. As I untangled myself over 20 years, with the love and help of many remarkable teachers, therapists and mentors, a clear vision of the various component parts necessary for a truly holistic healing process emerged. I often joke that I "trained backwards", specialising in somatics and trauma before I went on to study the vital relational skills necessary to hold therapeutic space artfully. I studied with pioneers such as Bessel van der Kolk, Gabor Mate, Pat Ogden, Peter Levine, Linda Parnell, Arielle Schwartz, Richard Schwarz, and Eric Gentry of the Arizona Trauma Institute. I devoured the teachings of the wisdom traditions and somatic arts with fervour and fascination, and today am a devoted practitioner of Indo-Tibetan classical tantra. Today I have the privilege of learning with some remarkable mentors, namely, Rob Preece (Psychology of Buddhist Tantra), Dr Miles Neale (Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy & Gradual Awakening) and Geshe Tenzin Zopa (Unmistaken Child).
Over time, as I began to put personal and professional puzzle pieces in to place I seemed to be having success with the people who had struggled to find freedom and healing elsewhere. People were experiencing shift after years of fruitless therapy or dedicated spiritual practice. I integrated my growing understanding of trauma and its science and psychology, with my years of meditative study and other somatic practice. People often showed up in the space I held suffering very deeply. Many that stayed for the ride and were really ready to do the work, left very different - calmer, clearer, lighter, and above all, closer to the Self that had been buried beneath the often invisible traumas of life. I watched the lights come on in peoples eyes. I watched them reclaim their dignity, divinity and sense of personal power. I watched them recover themselves. What a privilege hey? None of this was because of anything unique within me - what I observed was that this seemed to be the impact of combining some simple but potent ingredients. This training is structured around those ingredients and the path that revealed itself through the spaces others trusted me to hold.
So much is distorted and fragmented through our western lens. We need an approach to healing that is not only holistic, but considered and trauma informed in its methodology. Its not just about having the right idea or the right techniques or theories, its about knowing how to use them, when to use them, when not to, in what order, and why. This revolutionary training model offers exactly that. I have created the training that I sorely wish had existed for me, in the hope that it can serve you and those you might hold.
We need more of us working boldly, bravely, outside the box. We need more of us demonstrating, primarily through ourselves, and secondarily through our work, that radical freedom, no matter what our history, really is possible. "
trauma Informed Somatic Counselling
Online Counselling Certificate Training
UK online externally accredited therapeutic training including: trauma informed somatically oriented counselling skills, trauma informed and somatic psychology foundations, integrative therapeutic practice, an introduction to trauma processing and spiritual and transpersonal considerations in practice.

Over the course of 12 months we traverse a life changing journey through Foundational and Trauma Informed Somatic Counselling Skills, Trauma Informed Psychoeducation, Somatic Stabilisation and Symptom Reduction, Somatic Psychology, Trauma Resolution and Processing Techniques, Spiritual Principles and Practice Beyond the Commercial Paradigm, and The Human Journey, Forward Facing Approaches & Recovery of The Self
Around 100 hours of digital training content is split in to manageable monthly modules over the course of 12 months (or less if you're feeling motivated!) For the general student completing a module a month, this equates to around 1.5 - 2 hours of video/audio content a week - we have designed this journey to be both comprehensive and manageable - even for those of you with full time jobs, little kids, and other responsibilities on your plate! The only other thing you need to make time for is one book a month as outlined by your reading list (and peer practice and live calls with Aimee if you take the Exclusive Track). You can even conveniently access the entire course library and syllabus through an app, available on both android and iPhone.
With either training track, after completing your content library and a successful evaluation process in month/module 12 (more information further down the page) you will be certified as a counsellor, accredited by the ACCPH, and eligible to seek insurance (UK based, international participants are responsible for seeking legal guidelines in their country of residence). ​​
To learn more more about our exciting, highly integrative curriculum and see the full syllabus, read below.​

Aimee Rai
Founder of ISOHH©
Aimee is truly holistic practitioner expertly weaving science and psychology with ancient wisdom and somatic practice in her healing and therapeutic work with individuals and groups. As an integrative therapist specialising in trauma and somatics and as the creator of Medicinal Movement™, she has been featured and interviewed by many prestigious publications and institutions over the years including but not limited to, OmYoga Magazine, Natural Health, The Sunday Times & Forbes. As a practitioner and teacher of Classical Indo-Tibetan Tantra all her work has a deeply transpersonal tone. She is known to her students as a warm, wise and dynamic teacher, and as an ACCPH fellow and supervisor, she is your lead trainer throughout your training journey.
"I have come to understand that most of what we suffer with is trauma - old stress and emotional pain stuck in the system. Trauma can be an acutely distressing one time event such as a rape or mugging, or even seemingly simple things like a minor car crash or routine surgery. Trauma can also be caused by exposure to various forms of emotional stress over a prolonged period of time such as by being raised by a depressed, stressed, anxious or insecure caregiver. Many of us had stressful and emotionally wounding childhood experiences because we are growing up in a society that is suffering collectively.
If we are in any way symptomatic - suffering (as I did for most of my life) with low self esteem, anxiety, depression, addictions, attention deficit, co-dependency, low self esteem, chronic pain or fatigue, immunity issues, chronic health problems etc, we are likely suffering with some form of trauma (PTSD, Complex PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress) - whether or not we understand why. In the words of Peter Levine '"trauma is a fact of life" and experiences that leave a trauma imprint take many forms, some virtually invisible to the untrained eye. Very often until we resolve the underlying trauma (original wound), we will continue to experience dis-ease and imbalance, or struggle in one way or another. There is nothing wrong with us, something happened to us.
It is absolutely possible for us to heal. It is absolutely possible for us to resolve our trauma. It is absolutely possible for us to break out of the loops and spirals created by painful past learning, awaken to our true nature and recover the peace ease and joy that are our human birth right. But - the process must be holistic, the journey must honour the whole person for us to access the kind of radical freedom that I am referring to. There is no other way. And that is the purpose of this training model - to offer a truly holistic solution. " ​

​Defining Trauma - PTSD, CPTSD & Toxic Stress
Types and Causes of Trauma
The Nervous System and The Trauma Brain
Polyvagal Theory Embodiment and Professional Mastery
Unpacking and Expanding Upon The ACE's Study and Test
Adverse Child Hood Experience
The Dysfunctional Family - Characteristics & Signposts
Ancestral Trauma & Epigenetics. The Biopschosocial Model
Attachment Theory & Codependency
Coregulation in practice
The Wounded Healer Archetype
Self Regulation and Co-regulation in Counselling
Nervous System Self Care
Techniques for Self Soothing and Nervous System Recalibration
Fostering Emotional Literacy & Somatic Awareness
Regulation Skills Continued
Trauma Informed Meditation & Breath
Trauma Informed Mindfulness
Trauma Informed Movement
Historical and Cultural Origins and Context of These Practices
An introduction to authentic spiritual principles and practice
Spiritual Bypass and Commerical Spirituality
Client Intake & Evaluation
Trauma Informed Counselling Skills & Counselling Foundations
Working Online
Brief History of Therapeutic Models & Principles
Stages of Recovery Judith Herman & Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and a Holistic Vision For Healing
Ethics, Power Dynamics & Transference
Top Down vs Bottom Up, Cognitive Approaches vs Somatic
Pacing, Pendulation & Titration
Relational Depth, Human Healing & Boundaries including Humanistic and Hakomi inspired principles
Symptoms of Trauma
Depathologising Symptoms
Trauma Informed Perspective and Treatment Plans for Anxiety, Depression, Dissociation, Low Self Esteem, Codependency and Relational Challenges, Eating Disorders, Addictions, Pain, Fatigue, ADHD and more
Client History, Intake & Closing
Healing the Inner Critic
Re-Parenting and Inner Child Work
An Introduction to Trauma Processing
Resourcing, Preparation and Safety
Somatic & Implicit Memory
Somatic Psychology - Reading the Body, Micro Movements, & Attuning to Client Cues
An introduction to trauma processing based in Bi-Lateral Stimulation and Eye Movement Desensitization - inspired by the work of Francine Shapiro (EMDR) and eye movement practices rooted in ancient meditative tradition
Basic Protocols for Bi-Lateral Processing
Somatic Sensitivity to Bi-Lateral Processing
Bi-Lateral Processing for Somatic Memory
Radical Self Embrace and The Valuing of all Parts of The Self
Viewing Symptoms as Wise Adaptions not Flaws
The concept of Self
An introduction to Parts Therapy inspired by the work of Richard Schwarz (IFS), Carl Jung, and Lama Tsultrim Allione (Feeding Your Demons/Tibetan Chod)
An Introduction to Somatic Psychology
Reading the Body, Micro Movements, & Attuning to Client Cues
An introduction to Somatic Processing Techniques inspired by the works of Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Pat Ogden (SensoriMotor), and Eugene Gendlin (Focusing) and others.
Individuation, Self Expression and Forward Facing Approaches to Trauma
The Human Journey and An Introduction to The Principles and Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism & Classical Tantra (Not New Age Sexual Tantra) Please note that these teachings are offered in a philosophical and spiritual capacity within the context of trauma healing with respect to individual spiritual or religious affiliations.
Final Evaluation and certification process involving one extensive Q and A based written exam (short responses, no essay writing) to be completed in your own time alongside three single page case study explorations. We require no essay writing throughout the duration of the course and you are not evaluated on a "facts and figures" basis, nor on your spelling or grammar. We are looking for a reflection that you have understood the heart and essence of these vital teachings, and have begun to integrate their application in a meaningful way.
Disclaimer: Please note that these module summaries are provided as a guide. Although all the above curriculum will be provided throughout the duration of the training, it may not be in this exact order

Certification Requirements
Please note that participants are welcome to attend this training without explicit professional agenda - simply for the journey or with desire to apply what they learn within their existing field. However, it is important to note that this is first and foremost a professional training, not personal therapy, in spite of the potential for personal transformation it offers. It may be advisable to seek independent therapeutic support throughout the duration of this training, and participants are responsible for their own mental health and wellbeing. It is also important to note that counselling is both a practical and vocational profession and this training does not profess to be absolute in its offering. For those pursuing our self study track rather than our intensive exclusive track, although certification is offered in the same spirit as more traditional online level three or level four counselling certifications, we ask you consider this as a foundational experience and that to develop safe, skilled counselling and therapeutic practice, further practical experience and supervision may be advisable.
End of course exams are not obligatory should you wish to forgo formal certification. Anyone seeking formal certification through either training track is required to complete viewing of all the digital content and the years reading list, followed by an extensive Q and A based written evaluation (not essay question based) at the end of their training. Every student has the right to attempt certification twice. Certification is earnt, not guaranteed. All testing and reviews will be conducted with a sensitivity to both peoples neurological differences and an understanding that not all of us thrive in test environments, especially written ones. We don't believe in mechanistic testing and as such evaluations are not concerned with grammar, spelling or memorisation of facts or figures, but with whether the student displays integration of the essence and heart of the teachings, practices and principles offered throughout the course.
Upon successful certification through either track, you will be certified in Trauma Informed Somatic Counselling, externally accredited by the ACCPH, and be able to seek insurance as a counselling practitioner (as per UK guidelines, international participants are responsible for investigating the legal guidelines in their country of residence). You will receive a beautiful signed certificate and an additional document briefly detailing the syllabus and number of training hours completed (125 Standard Self Study Track, 250 hours Exclusive Track). All insignias of accrediting bodies will be displayed. You are responsible for formally registering with these bodies and for any charges involved in doing so. One digital copy of each certificate will be provided within the cost of your training. Future replacement copies or additional copies will incur a charge.
To learn more about our training tracks and pricing options please read down.
here's some feedback from just a few of our trainees

Mandy Penalver
(Yoga & Meditation Teacher
& Creator of True Rest™)
"This is a phenomenal training. The extensive curriculum combined with Aimee’s remarkable wisdom & skill at teaching from the heart have taken me on a rich, deep & transformative personal & professional journey. I wish I hadn’t hesitated when I first saw this course and done it sooner. It’s a game changer".

Jennifer McLeish
(No background in the therapeutic fields, scientist by training, and home schooling Mama)
My experience of this course has been fundamentally life changing. Aimee skilfully and patiently helps you walk the true path back to self and out to the world.

Tara Perlaki
(Kinesiologist, Period Coach
& Yoga Teacher)
My experience of the Trauma Informed Somatic Counselling training has been nothing short of life changing! Aimee has a truly unique and highly engaging training style. Her teaching has enabled me to understand complex topics, in ways that are easy to access and apply in my own life, as well as working with clients. It’s an intense course, but has been lovingly, skill-fully and thoughtfully put together, supporting us every step of the journey.

a personal note from aimee:
"I do not believe that we can support others to heal in a manner that has substance, until we have begun to do so ourselves. If we haven't had a taste of freedom - how can we transmit that it is possible to know it? How can we lead someone to a place that we haven't yet walked, that we don't have directions to? For that reason this training is designed to be a personal journey as much as an educational process. You will not emerge the same person as you came in, but paradoxically, my hope is that you will feel more like yourself than ever before.
I believe that there are many ways to learn, and that rote memorisation is different (and perhaps less effective) than personal integration. As such, this training isn't like school was, although we cannot avoid the ethical necessity of a final evaluation process, this is conducted with a different overview than most trainings - we are looking to see that you have understood the pith, heart and essence of the teachings, not grading you on theory, facts, figures or grammar. There is no requirement for you to spend hours and hours memorising text books or writing essays.
But there is a requirement for you to engage from your deepest being. It is meant to be an adventure. This work, this path, tends to call us in. Do you feel the call? "

further reflection from our graduates
Aimee is an exceptional teacher, one whose expertise in trauma is nothing short of inspiring. Her depth of knowledge and profound understanding of somatic trauma therapy have opened up new avenues of learning for me. I wholeheartedly encourage anyone interested in working in this field to seek her training and immerse themselves in the transformative experience she offers.
In the vast landscape of wellness, one can hardly escape the dizzying array of trauma-informed training options available. It's a bit of a jungle, really. Yet, amid this chaos, Aimee stands out distinctly.
Her remarkable ability to teach and create a safe space for others is a true gem—one that is both rare and deeply cherished
Rebecca Dennis - Course Graduate 2024
Founder of Breathing Tree and Author of "And Breathe" and "Let it Go, Breathe Yourself Calm"